Nate returns for this week’s journey through D&C 67 – 70. In D&C 67, the Lord offers an interesting challenge for those still not convinced that the revelations given were Gods words. Write your own revelation and see if you can do better. As we explore these events, we take a closer look into the life of William E. McLellin. Next, we dive into a privilege and a promise given to those called into God’s work. We explore what it means to speak while moved upon by the spirit. And finally, we finish this episode with a dive into the responsibility of parenting. Is 8 too young or too old for baptism?
D&C 137 – 138. In this week’s deep dive, Jason remembers a few more connections between Joseph Smith and the Savior from last weeks...
What is korban? Substituting laws with traditions. The Canaanite woman. Whom sayest thou that I am? Petros vs Petra. Transfiguration.
Noah vs Benjamin. Abinadi. Both KingsThe father cast down. Abinadi as a type of Christ.