In D&C 76, Jason and Nate explore the meaning of the word Telestial. They talk about the doings of the Lord. They explore the meaning behind multiple eternities. Jason walks us through a mathematical approach to God and man with the symbolism of an asymptote. Next, they examine the fall of Satan and what it means to be perdition. Afterwards, Jason looks at what it means to inherit the Celestial Kingdom as lined out in D&C 76. Finally, Jason and Nate examine the question, is there progression after reaching one of these kingdoms?
Marriage. The parable of the pharisee and the publican praying. The rich young man and the kingdom of Heaven. The blind that was healed....
Jesus as a brother. Education. Healng on the Sabbath. Christ testifies of himself. The Mount of Olives. The woman caught in adultry. The Good...
Samuel the Lamanite