In this Come Follow Me discussion we talk about how the Lord teaches the fundamentals by stressing the importance of holding fast to scripture. Next we examine the title of Alpha and Omega. Then we examine some interesting dichotomy. Afterwards we examine how the Lord de-mystifies hell and replaces a message of fear with a gospel of hope. Finally, we discuss how the Lord truly calls and has a special place for anyone that has a desire to serve him.
What is korban? Substituting laws with traditions. The Canaanite woman. Whom sayest thou that I am? Petros vs Petra. Transfiguration.
Paul testifies to rulers. Why did Paul need to testify to Caesar? God directs some to stay and others to …
A note on the prosperity promise from last week sets the tone or this week’s episode on Alma’s discussion with Corianton Transcript:00:00:15 Speaker A:...